Saturday, January 17, 2015

One Last Paddle on Skye


Today we are laving for home and typically the sun comes out!  Winds are still strong however.
Cant wait for the comfort of my own bed.  Clothes still wet from the first day!
We bid farewell to the camp site and park up along the slipway in Portree for a last look around the shops.  I brought my Easky with idea of getting my dad out on it one calm evening to show him the eagles.  Last chance now dad what you say?
Like anyone new to a sea kayak he found it a little twitchy.  He has done some river trips a long time ago  and been out once at an Up&Under demo evening.  At first I didnt think we would be going anywhere so we did a quick lap of the harbour.
 After a quick warm up and a little more confidence were off out towards the headland.  A little more interest and scale in my pictures now, had  enough of the front of my boat shots. 
Hes doing really well because it wasnt exactly flat out there.  The wind was still strong out past the headland.  My concern was on the way back, its hard to grasp the feeling of waves coming from behind for most people when they start.
We spot two eagles fly off from the cliffs and head over to the opposite headland, probably lunch time.  We spot a shelted beach just before the three caves and decide to land to see if we can get a better look.  A bit of an awkward landing, although it doesnt look it the beach was quite steep which provided a tricky (wet) exit for my dad :o)
Dad posing! sorry dad had to put that one on.
We scramble up the side of the cliff to get a better view of the cliffs along the headland on the look out for eagles.  My dad bought a new lens for his SLR especially, its a pity it hasnt been better to get out.
Its looking windier further ahead and time is pressing on so we decide to turn back.
Going back is a little quicker with the wind on our back.
Nice seeing my old boat back on the water again where it belongs.
A nice little introductory paddle to sea kayaking for my dad on our last day.  I have to buy him a pint now to clam his nerves.  Have I tempted him, I think so, Flat Holm next apparently. 

We leave sunny Skye behind and make our way for a two leg trip home stopping off at Loch Lomond for a few pints at the Drovers Inn and another night in the van.  Although the weather did hinder things again this year it was still and amazing adventure, which I will be looking forward to again in 2012.

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